Belt Promotions
Here are some of our students, who with hard work and determination have earned their stripe or new belt!
We’re proud of our students and how hard they work at achieving their goals. This is the first step in this long and wonderful journey!
BJJ Belt Ranking System: Explaining the journey from white belt to black belt.
How does the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu belt system work?
The BJJ belt system serves as a roadmap for students, marking their progress and achievements in the martial art:
White Belt: The starting point for all BJJ practitioners. Here, students learn the foundational techniques and principles of the martial art.
Blue Belt: With a solid understanding of the basics, blue belts begin to spar more intensively, refining their techniques and starting to develop their unique style or “game.”
Purple Belt: At this intermediate level, students have a comprehensive understanding of BJJ techniques. They are often encouraged to start teaching lower belts, further solidifying their knowledge.
Brown Belt: Brown belts have a deep understanding of BJJ intricacies and have usually developed a specific set of techniques they’re particularly skilled at.
Black Belt: A symbol of mastery and dedication, achieving a black belt in BJJ is no small feat. Black belts have a profound understanding of the art and often contribute back to the community by teaching or even opening their own schools.
Beyond the black belt, there are additional degrees, recognizing decades of dedication and contributions to the BJJ community.
Belt Promotions
June 9, 2023
March 16, 2023
December 30, 2022
December 16, 2022